Sunday, December 19, 2010

Finally A Holiday!!!!!!!!!!

Waaaddup peeps... Im now In the City dat never sleeps in Malaysia!!! Woohooo!! Kuala Lumpur. Well let's just say, I actually just arrived at My relative's house in Damansara Heights at 10 something. I even got to meet my cousins Wei Lun (The active and playful one) and his little brother ming (wad a cutie)... The eldest wasn't here today as he is in Penang. These two kids are such cuties.. I actually enjoyed fooling around with them. Well they are actually just a bunch of kids. Aged 5 and 8... LOLZ!!! But they are adorable... I just can't resist them. Well maybe tomorrow's gonna be a more exciting day... Im so gonna dip myself in the pool!!!!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!

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