Sunday, January 23, 2011

A change of Environment.

Just arrived in Kuala Lumpur the City dat neva Sleeps yesterday night at bout 10pm. But too bad I need to sleep. Came here dis week to practice practice practice. Im currently here now in UCSI's library. Better stay to myself cuz im actually an illegal immigrant around here. LOLZ! Hope dis is a different change of environment for me. Im kinda enjoying dis University. Looking at a wide variety of ppl strolling in and out from campus. I gotta say dat this ccampus is HUGE! It'll take bout two days for me to actualli finish adventuring this whole campus. It's obviously weird. Im here in this campus but im not actually taking any courses. Instead im here in the library enjoying myself spending my time FBing. It's pretty big in the library itself... 3 floors man.

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