Thursday, December 17, 2009

Entry for the first time in a long time!!! Have been real busy dis whole holidady...

So it's been quite a long time since I updated my blog... Phew! Kinda busy dis whole month with all the performances dat we received... So basically I've been really busy with my hands and feet recently.. Busy as in busy with doing makeup and stuff and also dancing.... Well durh!!!! So... As we aqll know dis month is kinda the month which is such 'quoted' a really good month to hold weddings and stuff. So kinda making money with makeup.... Well RM 20 per face... Hey its not expensive ppl!!!!! So Had been performing at Meru, YMCA and soon at Jusco dis weekend...

Wads best was the competition at Bayview resort, Penang!!!!! WOOHHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Love it had hell of a wonderful time there... Not to compete of course but.... Got to make a few new frens from china and well wad could I say, They are wonderful frenly ppl... Wished that mom would allow me
to further my dancing in China after SPM... As for now, I'll keep my fingers crossed... XD...

Christmas is gonna be around the corner and hopefully theres gonna be a party... Yipee! and wads best i cant wait till next year's MArch!!!!!! Competition!! YAY!!!!!!!!! And its gonna be 2 competitions in MArch, 2 competitions in April. 1 Competion in june. 1 in august, and its gonna be really hectic next year since its SPM>>>>>> GOD!!!!!! So well dats all I gotta say...

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