Friday, October 2, 2009

Screwed Up Day!!!!

HAHA!!! Im quite lazy to update my blog for like 2 days... Anyways gonna update wad happened in the last 2 days. Well thursday was nothing much of an interesting day...

Friday was horrible... Went to skul already prepared with my oral speech about 'How animals are being tortured for the demands in fur garments'. The moment I stepped into KBSM 1... uh oh.. I was giggling but i dunno why.. Its the nerves alrighty. So i tried to shake it all off but too bad the moment I started saying... "Good morning Ms. Jane & everyone present here today", my mind just went completely blank. It was like wad is my next line and dat totally sucks.. haha. I asked ms jane for a minute break as I went outside trying to calm myself down.. I did calm down alright. remembered all my points thought I could do it dis time. But the moment I went back into the class & started the greeting part it jnust went blank............. I totally suck in speeches, I had never succeeded in any of my orals and I screwed up big time...XD. I think my speech only lasted for bout 1 minute and next I gave up.. But when it was the question & answer session it was thoroughly easy... I could just answer all their questions without being feeling afraid and not nervous at all.. XD Wads wrong with me.... XD

Well the day ended ok I think... Mom got a phone call by Mrs. Leong asking me n my bro to perform in Novemeber in Meru for I dunno wad function.. something to do with Kinta Properties & hopefully then I could at least get a sponsor for my dancing...

Well I'm still looking forward till the day i could compete agin.. XD Cant wait till dat day... There's an air of anxiety surronding me..!!

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